3 Quick and Easy Ways to Eat Better Without Spending a Ton
When you eat something that’s good for you, our bodies and our minds can feel it. But so many of us still resort to fast foods that leave us feeling bloated and tired. After a long day or night at work, you certainly don’t want your food to be stealing what little energy you have left.
Enjoying better food creates a whole cycle of benefits for you and your family — and despite what you might think, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Let’s take a look at some easy tips to rethink what you eat without having to spend all of your hard-earned cash:
Eat a healthy breakfast
People who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain a healthy weight, have a healthier heart, and a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. The International Food Information Council also states that children who eat breakfast have better memory, better concentration, and better test scores. But the key to all of these benefits isn’t eating just anything for breakfast, it’s about eating something that will fuel and prepare you for the day ahead. Here are a few breakfast options:
– Apples and oranges. These fruits are full of immune-boosting vitamins, and they cost under two dollars per pound in most stores.
– Whole-grain cereal and lowfat yogurt. These are great wallet-friendly options, and they don’t require any prep time. They can range from three to five dollars for a box of cereal and a large tub of yogurt.
– 100% fruit juice. This low-sugar alternative is a great way to get picky eaters to drink their fruit. One 64-ounce bottle will usually run you about three dollars.
Add one fruit or vegetable to every meal
There are so many delicious things to eat that sometimes fruits and vegetables can fall to the wayside. But if you want to eat healthier, know that you can start small. Your health could benefit dramatically by simply adding one more fruit or vegetable into the dishes that you already love. Try including some broccoli or spinach into your next meal.
“Like I tell my kids, as long as you eat fruits and vegetables at every meal, you’ll be OK if you have pizza or ice cream every once in a while. The problem is when the treats become the habits.”
Michelle Obama
Pay attention to portion control
Portion control can seem tricky, but it really doesn’t require any fancy measuring cups or machinery. It can be as simple as eating dinner on a smaller plate. Here are three other tips that can help with portion control:
– When eating dinner, leave the serving dishes in the kitchen and not on the table. If you have to get up to refill, you might reconsider.
– The next time you grab a snack, pour it into a bowl rather than taking the whole bag with you. You’ll end up eating much less, and you’ll have to move to get more.
– Pick one junk food that you eat every day and eat less of it. This tip doesn’t ask you to stop cold turkey, but to simply reduce the amount of food you eat. One fewer pack of chips per day is 365 fewer per year!